
Yolov5 使用 TensorRT 进行加速



训练生成的方法参考github上的方法进行 https://github.com/ultralytics/yolov5 。记住使用了什么大小的yolo模型和是目标识别 还是图片分类,这些后面会用到。


生成方法参考了github上的tensorrtx项目 https://github.com/wang-xinyu/tensorrtx


对应的python代码位置 https://github.com/wang-xinyu/tensorrtx/blob/master/yolov5/gen_wts.py

假如你是图片分类的模型,yolo训练出的模型是 best.pt,则生成wts的命令为

python gen_wts.py -w best.pt -o broken.wts -t cls

-w 输入的模型名字

-o 输出的模型名字

-t 模型类型 cls代表图片分类



github上的tensorrtx项目虽然有c++的实现代码,但没有采用c++类的写法,而且有许多公共变量,不方便同一个程序,调用不同类型 不同大小的模型文件。因此进行了部分改写。文件结构如下图



#include "yolov5det.h"
#include "yolov5cls.h"

int main(int argc, char** argv) {
    yolov5det _yolov5det;
    yolov5cls _yolov5cls;

    string outputfilename = "best.engine";//输出
    string engine = std::string("best.wts");//输入
    _yolov5det.createngine(engine,outputfilename,'s');// s 表示 yolov5s 模型

    string outputfilename = "cls.engine";//输出
    string engine = std::string("cls.wts");//输入
    _yolov5cls.createngine(engine,outputfilename,'s');// s 表示 yolov5s 模型


#include "yolov5det.h"
#include "yolov5cls.h"

#include "opencv2/imgcodecs.hpp"

using namespace std;
using namespace cv;

int main(int argc, char** argv) {
    yolov5det _yolov5det;
    yolov5cls _yolov5cls;
    clock_t starttime, endtime;

    string enginedet = "best.engine";
    _yolov5det.kConfThresh = 0.75;//设置kConfThresh参数
    _yolov5det.kNmsThresh = 0.35;//设置kNmsThresh参数
    Mat img_det = imread("det.bmp",IMREAD_COLOR); //导入图片
    starttime = clock();
    std::vector<std::vector<Detection>> res_batch = _yolov5det.detect(img_det); //预测
    endtime = clock();
    cout << (double)(endtime - starttime) << endl;

        for(int n =0;n<res_batch[0].size();n++){//res_batch[0] 测试的模型输入只有1张图片
            cout<<res_batch[0][n].bbox[3]<<endl;//res_batch[0][n] 的属性里有box的位置,分类,分值等信息

    string enginecls = "cls.engine";
    Mat img_cls = imread("cls.bmp",IMREAD_COLOR);
    starttime = clock();
    std::vector<std::vector<int>> res_batch = _yolov5cls.detect(img_cls);
    endtime = clock();
    cout << (double)(endtime - starttime) << endl;

        cout<<"classid:"<<res_batch[0][0]<<endl;// 分类的id

使用TorchSharp 调用 PyTorch 语义分割神经网络模型

TorchSharp 是对 Torch c++的封装,基本继承了c++的全部接口。但使用中会有一些小问题,需要特别注意一些。

  1. 语义分割(semantic segmentation)神经网络训练

训练的代码可以参考github里的官方代码 https://github.com/pytorch/vision/tree/main/references/segmentation


官方代码的模型 默认输出是list 虽然可以强制输出script文件,但TorchSharp 调用后会报错”Expected Tensor but got GenericDict”.因此需要修改网络


import torch
import torchvision
from torch import nn
import numpy as np

class MyModel(nn.Module):
    def __init__(self):
        self._model = torchvision.models.segmentation.lraspp_mobilenet_v3_large(num_classes=2,
        #如果输入的是3通道 则不需要修改
        for item in self._model.backbone.items():          
            item[1][0] = nn.Conv2d(1, 16, kernel_size=(3, 3), stride=(2, 2), padding=(1, 1), bias=False)
        checkpoint = torch.load('model/model_119.pth', map_location='cpu')
        self._model.load_state_dict(checkpoint['model'], strict=not True)
    def forward(self, x):
        # 修改了输出,将List修改为Tensor 并进行了 argmax 和 转float操作
        result = self._model.forward(x)
        return result["out"].argmax(1).flatten().float()

model = MyModel()
x = torch.rand(1,1, 240, 400)
predictions = model(x)

#使用torch.jit.trace 输出 script pt 网络文件
traced_script_module = torch.jit.trace(model, x)

3.使用TorchSharp 进行预测


torch.jit.ScriptModule torch_model;
torch_model = torch.jit.load("_seg.pt");

//导入图片,并使用BlobFromImage 进行数据类型 维度 和归一化的转换
Mat temp = Cv2.ImRead("Pic_42633.bmp", ImreadModes.Grayscale);
Mat tensor_mat = OpenCvSharp.Dnn.CvDnn.BlobFromImage(temp, 1 / 255.0);

float[] data_bytes = new float[tensor_mat.Total()];
Marshal.Copy(tensor_mat.Data, data_bytes, 0, data_bytes.Length);
torch.Tensor x = torch.tensor(data_bytes, torch.ScalarType.Float32);

//维度转换 和 normalize(进行normalize是因为官方代码里有这一步处理)
x = x.reshape(1, 1, 240, 400);
x = TorchSharp.torchvision.transforms.functional.normalize(x, new double[] { 0.485 }, new double[] { 0.229 });

DateTime date1 = DateTime.Now;
torch.Tensor _out = torch_model.forward(x);
DateTime date2 = DateTime.Now;
TimeSpan ts = date2 - date1;
Console.WriteLine("No. of Seconds (Difference) = {0}", ts.TotalMilliseconds);

//使用opencv 将预测出的tensor输出为可视化的图片
Mat result_mat = new Mat(240, 400, MatType.CV_32FC1, _out.bytes.ToArray());
result_mat.ConvertTo(result_mat, MatType.CV_8UC1);
Cv2.ImWrite("mask.bmp", result_mat);

CUDA + subPixel + EDGE 边缘检测



源项目位置https://github.com/CsCsongor/subPixelEdgeDetect 。算法基于论文https://www.ipol.im/pub/art/2017/216/



if (fwd >= 0 && next[from] != fwd && ((alt = prev[fwd]) < 0 || chain(alt, fwd, Ex, Ey, Gx, Gy, rows, cols) < fwd_s)){
	if (next[from] >= 0){			// Remove previous from-x link if one */
		prev[next[from]] = -1;	// Only prev requires explicit reset  */
	next[from] = fwd;					// Set next of from-fwd link          */
	if (alt >= 0){						// Remove alt-fwd link if one
		next[alt] = -1;					// Only next requires explicit reset
	prev[fwd] = from;					// Set prev of from-fwd link
if (bck >= 0 && prev[from] != bck && ((alt = next[bck]) < 0 || chain(alt, bck, Ex, Ey, Gx, Gy, rows, cols) > bck_s)){
		if (alt >= 0){					// Remove bck-alt link if one
			prev[alt] = -1;				// Only prev requires explicit reset
		next[bck] = from;				// Set next of bck-from link
		if (prev[from] >= 0){		// Remove previous x-from link if one
			next[prev[from]] = -1; // Only next requires explicit reset
		prev[from] = bck;				// Set prev of bck-from link

以下list_chained_edge_points 函数中的注释掉的那行代码,就是找轮廓起始点的算法。

// Set k to the beginning of the chain, or to i if closed curve
// for (k = i; (n = prev[k]) >= 0 && n != i; k = n); //这句被注释了,替换成了下面这行
if ((n = prev[i]) >=0 && n != i){ k= n;}


1.修改cu_chain_edge_points函数。 寻找最优5*5轮廓点的算法屏蔽,先记录下所有向前向后轮廓点

// Chain edge points
void cu_chain_edge_points(int * next, int * prev, double * Ex,	double * Ey,double * Gx, double * Gy, int rows, int cols){
	int x, y, i , j, alt;
	int dx, dy, to;

	x = blockIdx.x*blockDim.x+threadIdx.x+2;
	y = blockIdx.y*blockDim.y+threadIdx.y+2;

	// Try each point to make local chains
	// 2 pixel margin to include the tested neighbors
	if (x < (rows-2) && y < (cols-2)){
		// Must be an edge point
		if (Ex[x + y*rows] >= 0.0 && Ey[x + y*rows] >= 0.0){
			int from = x + y*rows;  // Edge point to be chained
			double fwd_s = 0.0;  	  // Score of best forward chaining
			double bck_s = 0.0;     // Score of best backward chaining
			int fwd = -1;           // Edge point of best forward chaining
			int bck = -1;           // Edge point of best backward chaining

			/* try all neighbors two pixels apart or less.
				looking for candidates for chaining two pixels apart, in most such cases,
				is enough to obtain good chains of edge points that	accurately describes the edge.
			for (i = -2; i <= 2; i++){
				for (j = -2; j <= 2; j++){
					to = x + i + (y + j)*rows; // Candidate edge point to be chained

					double s = chain(from, to, Ex, Ey, Gx, Gy, rows, cols);  //score from-to

					if (s > fwd_s){ // A better forward chaining found
						fwd_s = s;
						fwd = to;
					} else if (s < bck_s){ // A better backward chaining found
						bck_s = s;
						bck = to;

            if (fwd >= 0){
                next[from] = fwd;					// Set next of from-fwd link
            if (bck >= 0){
                prev[from] = bck;				// Set prev of bck-from link

//			if (fwd >= 0 && next[from] != fwd && ((alt = prev[fwd]) < 0 || chain(alt, fwd, Ex, Ey, Gx, Gy, rows, cols) < fwd_s)){
//				if (next[from] >= 0){			// Remove previous from-x link if one */
//					prev[next[from]] = -1;	// Only prev requires explicit reset  */
//				}
//				next[from] = fwd;					// Set next of from-fwd link          */
//				if (alt >= 0){						// Remove alt-fwd link if one
//					next[alt] = -1;					// Only next requires explicit reset
//				}
//				prev[fwd] = from;					// Set prev of from-fwd link
//			}
//			if (bck >= 0 && prev[from] != bck && ((alt = next[bck]) < 0 || chain(alt, bck, Ex, Ey, Gx, Gy, rows, cols) > bck_s)){
//					if (alt >= 0){					// Remove bck-alt link if one
//						prev[alt] = -1;				// Only prev requires explicit reset
//					}
//					next[bck] = from;				// Set next of bck-from link
//					if (prev[from] >= 0){		// Remove previous x-from link if one
//						next[prev[from]] = -1; // Only next requires explicit reset
//					}
//					prev[from] = bck;				// Set prev of bck-from link
//			}


void cu_cut_edge_points(int * next, int * prev, double * Ex,	double * Ey,double * Gx, double * Gy, int rows, int cols){
    int x, y, i , j, alt;
    int dx, dy, to;

    x = blockIdx.x*blockDim.x+threadIdx.x+2;
    y = blockIdx.y*blockDim.y+threadIdx.y+2;

    if (x < (rows-2) && y < (cols-2)){
        if (Ex[x + y*rows] >= 0.0 && Ey[x + y*rows] >= 0.0){
            int center = x + y*rows;
            int temp_next = -1;
            int temp_prev = -1;

            if (x < (rows-2) && y < (cols-2)){
                for (i = -2; i <= 2; i++){
                    for (j = -2; j <= 2; j++){
                        to = x + i + (y + j)*rows;
                        if(next[to] == center){
                            if(temp_next >= 0){
                                if(chain(center, to, Ex, Ey, Gx, Gy, rows, cols) > chain(center, temp_next, Ex, Ey, Gx, Gy, rows, cols)){
                                    next[temp_next] = -1;
                                    temp_next = to;
                                } else {
                                    next[to] = -1;
                            } else {
                                temp_next = to;

                        if(prev[to] == center){
                            if(temp_prev >= 0){
                                if(chain(center, to, Ex, Ey, Gx, Gy, rows, cols) < chain(center, temp_prev, Ex, Ey, Gx, Gy, rows, cols)){
                                    prev[temp_prev] = -1;
                                    temp_prev = to;
                                } else {
                                    prev[to] = -1;
                            } else {
                                temp_prev = to;


void cu_thresholds_remove(int * next, int * prev,int rows, int cols, int * valid){
	int x, y;

	x = blockIdx.x*blockDim.x+threadIdx.x;
	y = blockIdx.y*blockDim.y+threadIdx.y;
	int idx = x+y*rows;

	if (idx < rows*cols){
		if ((prev[idx] >= 0 || next[idx] >= 0) && !valid[idx]){
			prev[idx] = next[idx] = -1;

        if(prev[idx] != -1 && next[prev[idx]] != idx){
            prev[idx] = -1;
        if(next[idx] != -1 && prev[next[idx]] != idx){
            next[idx] = -1;


// Set k to the beginning of the chain, or to i if closed curve
for (k = i; (n = prev[k]) >= 0 && n != i; k = n);
//if ((n = prev[i]) >=0 && n != i){ k= n;}


cu_chain_edge_points<<<numberOfBlocks, threadsPerBlock, threadsPerBlock.x*threadsPerBlock.y*sizeof(uchar), stream>>>(next, prev, Ex, Ey, Gx, Gy, rows, cols);
cu_cut_edge_points<<<numberOfBlocks, threadsPerBlock, threadsPerBlock.x*threadsPerBlock.y*sizeof(uchar), stream>>>(next, prev, Ex, Ey, Gx, Gy, rows, cols);
cu_thresholds_with_hysteresis<<<numberOfBlocks, threadsPerBlock, threadsPerBlock.x*threadsPerBlock.y*sizeof(uchar), stream>>>(next, prev, modG, rows, cols, th_high, th_low, valid);

完整的代码请下载 subPixelGPU.zip

使用GSL C++库解2元非线性方程组

GSL解方程的功能相对matlab要简单一些,目前看只支持实数解,并且只有一个解。当然对于大部分实际应用 已经足够了

